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High meecro...

Not sure if you can embed into a wiki. You can copy and paste code, but you can't run it from here.

Schwack 19:36, 22 July 2011 (EDT)

Thanks mate, I think you're right, at least in terms of the standard interface. I'm pretty sure it can be done in server-side php code with the javascript extension. mediawiki seems amazingly extensible. For example, you can define an arbitrary php callback upon submission of an edit, which could, for example, define an html page from one text pane, and save the javascript in a special folder. Then again,you can always embed the javascript and even style-sheets into one html file. I'm sure there's a reasonbly pain-free way of managing DHTML pages without compromising security. Perhaps at some stage a brave forum admin will take it on as a personal challenge. Until then cut and paste works, and we can always use free web-hosting sites.