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Y.E.A.B. script allows you to enter commands to the bot that will be performed immediately, as opposed to goals which are what the bot works towards. For instance, the `directive troop a:5000 in the goals window tells Y.E.A.B. to build archers until you have 5000 then move to the next goal. If you already have 5000 or more archers, it is disregarded. The script command train a:5000 will immediately queue 5000 archers in your barracks regardless of how many you have already, provided of course you have the population and resources needed.

The Script window is similar to the Goals window, and is found by selecting the Script tab on the upper left hand window. There are 5 individual script windows per city, allowing you to build up to 5 command sets per city, that will be saved (provided you select the save button) along with your goals. Individual scripts are selected by way of the Load button.

The commands available give you the ability to perform all of the the same functions Y.E.A.B. works towards in the goals window, as well as add to or alter those goals. Note that goals modified or added in the script window will not be reflected in the goals window, or saved with them.

With the latest releases of Y.A.E.B. the script set has been expanded to include ifgosub and ifgoto statements allowing you to automatically make decisions based on conditions in your city, such as the amount of lumber or number of warriors you have on hand.

Scripts are executed from the top down, beginning at the line number specified in the Run box. If no number is entered, or the number is greater than the number of lines in the script, the script begins at line #1.

Y.E.A.B. understands the following commands:


Usage: label name
Example: label comfort; label upgraderax

Creates a placeholder within the scripts that can be referenced for a loop or goto command.

attack 360,843 any t:400,b:400
attack 344,567 any t:400,b:400
attack 400,543 any t:400,b:400
label upgrade
upgrade barrack
loop upgrade 5


Usage: goto label
Example: goto upgradecot

Allows you to jump to any label, anywhere in the script.

label medalfarm
attack 123,300 !Bubba,!Xavier,any t:400,b:400
goto trainarch
label upgradecot
upgrade house
repeat 2
label trainarch
train arch:2500 atk
goto upgradecot


Usage: gosub label
Example: gosub medalfarm

Allows you to jump to a subroutine.

gosub medalfarm
gosub trainarch
gosub upgradecot
loop 0
label medalfarm
attack 123,300 !Bubba,!Xavier,any t:400,b:400
label upgradecot
upgrade house
repeat 2
label trainarch
train arch:2500 Hero


Usage: gosubreturn
Example: gosubreturn

Used at the end of a subroutine to return to the line that called it, and proceed from there.

gosub medalfarm
gosub trainarch
gosub upgradecot
loop 0
label medalfarm
attack 123,300 !Bubba,!Xavier,any t:400,b:400
label upgradecot
upgrade house
repeat 2
label trainarch
train arch:2500 Hero



loop [optional # of times]
loop [optional label]
loop [optional # of times] [optional label]


loop 5
loop upgrade
loop 2 upgrade

Allows you to repeat your entire script, or using a label repeat parts of a script. No parameter, or a parameter of 0 (ie - loop 0), will repeat the script indefinitely.

// Upgrade everything in your
// city, as long as tech and
// resource requirements are met

// Upgrade your farms, sawmills
// and your ironmines, then
// repeat the process again
// 5 times
      upgrade farm
      upgrade saw
      upgrade iron
      loop 5

// Upgrade your farms, sawmills
// and your ironmines, then
// upgrade cottages and repeat the cottages again
// 5 times
      upgrade farm
      upgrade saw
      upgrade iron
      label cotupgrade
      upgrade cottage
      loop 5 cotupgrade


Usage: repeat [optional # of times]

repeat 5

The repeat command will simply repeat the previous line of script the specified number of times. No parameter, or a parameter of 0 (ie - repeat 0), will repeat the previous line indefinitely.

// Attack 2 targets, then upgrade
// your cottages first, followed
// by your barracks
attack 245,325 Bubba arch:25000,warr:25000,t:1000
attack 222,324 any t:400,b:400
upgrade cottage
repeat 12
upgrade barrack
repeat 12

// Upgrade all of your buildings
// and resource fields to level 9:



sleep seconds
sleep hh:mm:ss


sleep 15
sleep 1:43
sleep 4:22:32

The sleep command will cause Y.A.E.B. to pause for the indicated time, which can be expressed as seconds only (i.e. 34, 240, 23432), minutes and seconds (i.e. 4:30) or hours, minutes, seconds (2:44:34).

sleep 30		//Sleeps the script for 30 seconds
sleep 2:45		//Sleeps the script for 2 minutes 45 seconds
sleep 7:25:00		//Sleeps the script for 7 hours, 25 minutes and 0 seconds

Sleep @

Usage: sleep @:hh:mm:ss
Example: sleep @:14:15:00

The sleep @ command will puase Y.A.E.B. until the time indicated, based on the system time of your computer. The time must be expressed in 24 hr. format, with 00:00:01 being 1 second after midnight, and 12:00:01 being 1 second past noon. This feature is similar to camp time with the added advantage that the bot will calculate how much camp time is required for your troops to arrive at the given time.

Note that there is always a slight variation between the Evony engine clock and your system time. The exact time difference between the Evony engine and your computer system time is displayed at startup or any time you click the Refresh button on the top left of the screen.

sleep @:15:45

//Sleeps the script until 3:45pm local system time

Sleep rnd


sleep rnd:maximum.seconds
sleep rnd:minseconds:maxseconds


sleep rnd:15
sleep rnd:20:30

Sleeps Y.A.E.B. for a random time.

sleep rnd:15 //sleep for a random any bnumber of seconds between 0 and 15
sleep rnd:300:600 //sleep randomly for at least 5 minutes, but no more than 10 minutes.



logout @:logouttime @:logontime


logout @:01:30:31 @:06:35:00
logout 1:00 5:00

Disconnects/connects Y.A.E.B. from/to the server. Time must be expressed in 24 hr format if using tha @ option.

Note that any script running that causes the bot to diconnect will continue running again once the bot reconnects.

1: logout 1:00 30:00
2: attack 400,400 any c:1000,s:1000
3: repeat 3
4: sleep 45
5: loop

This script will cause the bot to send 3 spam waves to the target every 30 minutes, indefinitely, disconnecting from the server in between each set.


Usage: ifgoto ( reference {operator} value ) label
Example: ifgoto ( m_city.cityManager.resource.wood.amount > 150000 )

See ifgosub


Usage: ifgosub ( reference {operator} value ) label
Example: ifgosub ( m_city.cityManager.resource.wood.amount > 150000 )

Conditional Statements enable checking of resources,troops,population,…etc.

Conditional Statements add a whole new dimension to Y.A.E.B. scripts allowing more human-like interaction & less "insuffient resource" statements.

Variables for use in ifgoto & ifgosub statements can be found in the Reference Section.

Sample script:

ifgosub ( m_city.cityManager.resource.stone.amount > 250000 ) CheckATT
ifgosub ( m_city.cityManager.resource.iron.amount > 150000 ) CheckTrain
sleep rnd:3000
loop 0
label CheckTrain
ifgosub ( m_city.cityManager.resource.wood.amount > 150000 ) TrainTroops
label CheckATT
ifgosub ( m_city.cityManager.resource.wood.amount > 250000 ) UpATT
label TrainTroops
train arch:250 Bubba
repeat 4
label UpATT
walldefense archertowers 250


Usage: resetgoals
Example: resetgoals

Note: The scope of this command is in question. Experimentation has shown that while most config directives are set to 0 or false, it is unclear if all config directives are affected or what other settings/directives may be affected.

Use of this command is NOT recommended.

In order to maintain control over the actions performed by Y.A.E.B., best practice when altering settings through the script interface is to only change specific values required by your script. These values can then be changed back to the original setting through another script call, or upon completion of the script by selecting the SetGoals button from the Goals window.


Usage: config [directive]:[value]
Example: config wartown:0

In order to allow control of all Y.A.E.B. functions through the scripting interface, all config switches that can be set in the goals page are accessible in your script. The new settings will be retained until:

  • they are changed again through a script command
  • the Set Goals button in the Goals page is selected, or
  • the bot is restarted.

The changes made to settings through the script interface will only change the values currently in memory. No actual changes are made to the Goals page and all values can be restored to settings on the goals page by selecting Set Goals with the goals window displayed.

For more information please refer to the Intro to Goals Section of this Wiki.


Usage: buildinggoals [build.goal.string]
Example: buildinggoals st:0:0,b:9:12

This command will allow you to add a new build goal directive from the script interface. For more information see the Building Goals section.


Usage: techgoals [research.goal.string]
Example: techgoals ar:10,ho:10,mt:9

This command will allow you to add a new research goal directive from the script interface. For more information see the Research Goals section.


Usage: troopgoal [troop.goal.string]
Example: troopgoal w:5k,a:10k

This command will allow you to add a new troop goal directive from the script interface. For more information see the Troop Goals section.


This command has been incorporated into the startup screen.


Usage: setfocus
Example: setfocus

Y.A.E.B. functions in a linear manner, moving from one city to the next after a given amount of time. The setfocus command will cause the bot to immediately focus on the city from which the command is issued.


This command has not yet been defined.