From NEAT Portal Wiki
Revision as of 17:09, 3 June 2011 by Anonymous (talk) (Code Structure)
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What you Need

  • Mercurial ("hg") version control system.
  • Flash Compiler (ie, FlexBuilder 4.5)
  • Future: Zinc

Accessing the Code

  1. Send a PM (private message) to StayDawg
  2. "Pull" the source to your computer or online hg respository
    • hg clone repositoryURL
  3. Do an "update" if it's been a while since the last clone:
    • hg update
  4. Make changes
  5. Test your code
  6. Document your code why it does it, how it does it, and how you have tested it, and how you know it won't break any existing functionality.
  7. Create a "diff" from your "working set"
    • hg diff >my_descriptive_patch.patch
  8. Email patch to one of the main developers.

Code Structure

|-- media --/  mp3 files for alerts, warnings, etc
|-- fonts --/   portable non-system fonts
|-- html-templates/ ???
|-- libs --/ libraries needed to compile
|-+-+- src --/
   |    |-- AutoEvony.mxml -- what you modify to enhance the "command" window
   |    \-- config.xml   -- You might need to modify this for a new project
   |-- images --/
   |-- com --/      communication routines and template response objects
   |-+ autoevony --/
      |-- common --/  utility classes and constants
      |-- event --/
      |-- gui --/
      |-- net --/
      |-- player --/
      |-- scripts --/
      |   \--- -- what you modify to enhance scripting
      |-- management --/
          \---   -- What you modify to enhance the goal-operations