From NEAT Portal Wiki
Usage: | ListMedals |
Example: | ListMedals |
List the currently held medals.
Usage: | ListItems |
Example: | ListItems |
Lists the currently help Items.
Usage: | ListCommands |
Example: | ListCommands |
Lists available commands.
Usage: | ListBuffs |
Example: | ListBuffs |
Lists currently applied buffs.
Usage: | ListAllHeroes |
Example: | ListAllHeroes |
Displays a list of all heroes, their stats, and their experience totals for every city.
10:29:24 Running line 1 10:29:24 CityA Queen Lvl:193 [P:254 A:67 I:21] exp:4737560/3724900 10:29:24 CityA Farmer1 Lvl:297 [P:27 A:363 I:21] exp:10180331/8820900 10:29:24 CityA Farmer2 Lvl:272 [P:40 A:347 I:29] exp:6284228/7398400 10:29:24 CityA Farmer3 Lvl:232 [P:25 A:301 I:32] exp:9425996/5382400 10:29:24 CityB Queen Lvl:189 [P:246 A:6 I:41] exp:6928622/3572100 10:29:24 CityB Farmer1 Lvl:321 [P:54 A:389 I:25] exp:7885243/10304100 10:29:24 CityB Farmer2 Lvl:285 [P:47 A:354 I:18] exp:12535167/8122500 10:29:24 CityB Farmer4 Lvl:254 [P:26 A:323 I:47] exp:8160739/6451600 10:29:24 CityC Queen Lvl:210 [P:272 A:22 I:46] exp:8125870/4410000 10:29:24 CityC BigGuy Lvl:346 [P:21 A:414 I:46] exp:8467980/11971600 10:29:24 CityC Farmer1 Lvl:219 [P:14 A:288 I:25] exp:8049178/4796100 10:29:24 CityC Farmer2 Lvl:213 [P:26 A:282 I:33] exp:9054832/4536900 10:29:25 Finished script </blockquote>ScanMap
Usage: scanmap location radius Example: scanmap 111,222 30 Used to scan an area of the map for use by other search functions.
Usage: rescanmap location radius Example: rescanmap 111,222 30 Used to update previously scanned areas.
Usage: findfield type level radius Example: findfield npc 5 10 Example above would find all lvl 5 NPCs in a 10 mile radius.
Possible field types are castle, NPC, forest, desert, hill, swamp, grassland, lake, or flat.
N.B. You can verify ownership with the inline command \loc xxx,yyy
Used to find attack & reinforce times, food consumptions and load carrying capabilities of defined troops.
Usage: travelinfo coord troop Example: travelinfo 111,222 cav:10,cata:10