Usage: | ListMedals |
Example: | ListMedals |
List the currently held medals.
Usage: | ListItems |
Example: | ListItems |
Lists the currently help Items.
Usage: | ListCommands |
Example: | ListCommands |
Lists available commands.
Usage: | ListBuffs |
Example: | ListBuffs |
Lists currently applied buffs.
Usage: | ListAllHeroes |
Example: | ListAllHeroes |
Displays a list of all heroes, their stats, and their experience totals for every city.
10:29:24 Running line 1
10:29:24 CityA Queen Lvl:193 [P:254 A:67 I:21] exp:4737560/3724900
10:29:24 CityA Farmer1 Lvl:297 [P:27 A:363 I:21] exp:10180331/8820900
10:29:24 CityA Farmer2 Lvl:272 [P:40 A:347 I:29] exp:6284228/7398400
10:29:24 CityA Farmer3 Lvl:232 [P:25 A:301 I:32] exp:9425996/5382400
10:29:24 CityB Queen Lvl:189 [P:246 A:6 I:41] exp:6928622/3572100
10:29:24 CityB Farmer1 Lvl:321 [P:54 A:389 I:25] exp:7885243/10304100
10:29:24 CityB Farmer2 Lvl:285 [P:47 A:354 I:18] exp:12535167/8122500
10:29:24 CityB Farmer4 Lvl:254 [P:26 A:323 I:47] exp:8160739/6451600
10:29:24 CityC Queen Lvl:210 [P:272 A:22 I:46] exp:8125870/4410000
10:29:24 CityC BigGuy Lvl:346 [P:21 A:414 I:46] exp:8467980/11971600
10:29:24 CityC Farmer1 Lvl:219 [P:14 A:288 I:25] exp:8049178/4796100
10:29:24 CityC Farmer2 Lvl:213 [P:26 A:282 I:33] exp:9054832/4536900
10:29:25 Finished script
Usage: | scanmap location radius |
Example: | scanmap 111,222 30 |
Used to scan an area of the map for use by other search functions.
Usage: | rescanmap location radius |
Example: | rescanmap 111,222 30 |
Used to update previously scanned areas.
Usage: | findfield type level radius |
Example: | findfield npc 5 10 |
Example above would find all lvl 5 NPCs in a 10 mile radius.
Possible field types are castle, NPC, forest, desert, hill, swamp, grassland, lake, or flat.
N.B. You can verify ownership with the inline command \loc xxx,yyy
Usage: | travelinfo coord troop |
Example: | travelinfo 111,222 cav:10,cata:10 |
Used to find attack & reinforce times, food consumptions and load carrying capabilities of defined troops.