Bugs in rev2041 in no particular order:
AwardHeroes/RewardHeroes (Void Ship)
Awardheroes script command no longer works. Removed or broken?
Rewardheroes script command doesn't work unless config hero:1 or higher is set.
Valleys (Inanna)
The bot never seems to try to fill the last valley slot on it's own, however if I drop a 2nd valley it will launch at 2 (or more) to fill them.
ie - I have level 10 TH and 9 forests, it won't do anything. If I drop myself down to 8 forests it will grab 2 to fill them.
There is no debug to paste for it, valley acquisition never seems to try to happen with 9 of 10 valleys.
Hunting (Inanna)
With config hunting:5 enabled, the bot cannot 'find' any valleys for hunting, but works fine with config hunting:4. This was tested with a level 10 forest open 1.4 miles away, hunting 4 went after it, hunting 5 would not. Huntingtype forest and Huntingpos xxx,yyy for that forest would not work either.
12:25:53 MEDALHUNTING: No valleys available for medal hunting
UPDATETROOPREQS: NULL Conditional (MrBotUser on forum)
Post found here: http://duelingelectrons.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=8713
distancepolicy 10 10 10 10 20 config troopqueuetime:0.5 config comfort:1 //safevalleyfarm 9,10 //config hunting:4 config hero:1 config troopsusepopmax:1 config troopincrement:1 config hiding:1.0 config gate:0.05 gatepolicy 2 1 2 1 1 npctroop 5 b:500,t:400 config buildnpc:20 //config npc:5 npcheroes 5 !BIGHERO1,any traininghero BIGHERO1 600 troop s:1m npc10limit a:600000 npc10heroes HERO1,HERO2 npc10troop a:94150,s:4000,t:1850 fortification trap:1,ab:1 fortification trap:5,ab:5 fortification trap:10,ab:7 fortification trap:20,ab:10,at:1 fortification trap:200,ab:100,at:10 fortification trap:400,ab:200,at:50,r:1,rock:1 fortification trap:1000,ab:1000,at:1000,r:5,rock:5 //fortification trap:2000,ab:3000,at:16500,r:10,rock:10 //build c:9:17 //build b:0:7
13:35:54 Skipping task ( update building and research requirements ) 13:35:54 Skipping task ( handle building ) 13:35:54 Skipping task ( handle research ) 13:35:54 Starting task ( update fortification requirements ) 13:35:54 Starting task ( troop production ) 13:35:54 TROOPPRODUCTION: Sleeping... 13:35:54 Skipping task ( search for valleys to farm safely ) 13:35:54 Skipping task ( monitor armies ) 13:35:54 Starting task ( recall armies ) 13:35:54 Starting task ( move training hero ) 13:35:54 Starting task ( sendResources ) 13:35:54 Starting task ( rescuetown ) 13:35:54 Skipping task ( build city ) 13:35:54 Starting task ( build npc ) 13:35:54 Skipping task ( pre-scout valleys for safe farming ) 13:35:54 Skipping task ( attack valleys for resources safely ) 13:35:54 Starting task ( sendResources ) 13:35:54 Starting task ( idle update at end ) 13:36:08 UPDATETROOPREQS: NULL Conditional 13:36:10 Riot-Prevention Check: Gold: 12827149276.5502, Salary: 38460, Income: 0 13:36:10 Comfort Check: Target Loyalty: 100, Actual: 100 13:36:10 Tax-Rate Check: Target : 0%, Actual: 0% 13:36:39 UPDATETROOPREQS: NULL Conditional 13:36:40 Riot-Prevention Check: Gold: 12827149276.5502, Salary: 38460, Income: 0 13:36:40 Comfort Check: Target Loyalty: 100, Actual: 100 13:36:40 Tax-Rate Check: Target : 0%, Actual: 0% 13:37:09 UPDATETROOPREQS: NULL Conditional 13:37:10 Riot-Prevention Check: Gold: 12827149276.5502, Salary: 38460, Income: 0 13:37:10 Comfort Check: Target Loyalty: 100, Actual: 100 13:37:10 Tax-Rate Check: Target : 0%, Actual: 0% 13:37:40 UPDATETROOPREQS: NULL Conditional 13:37:41 Riot-Prevention Check: Gold: 12827149276.5502, Salary: 38460, Income: 0 13:37:41 Comfort Check: Target Loyalty: 100, Actual: 100 13:37:41 Tax-Rate Check: Target : 0%, Actual: 0% 13:37:52 UPDATETROOPREQS: NULL Conditional 13:38:10 UPDATETROOPREQS: NULL Conditional 13:38:11 Riot-Prevention Check: Gold: 12827149276.5502, Salary: 38460, Income: 0 13:38:11 Comfort Check: Target Loyalty: 100, Actual: 100 13:38:11 Tax-Rate Check: Target : 0%, Actual: 0%
Error# 1009 in Medal Hunting task (bot4ever on forum)
Posted found here: http://duelingelectrons.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=8708
This same error is happening to another guy at: http://duelingelectrons.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=8720 with both config hunting:1 and config valley:2
config comfort:1,trade:1,hero:1,gate:0.5,hiding:0.2,npc:5,buildnpc:20,valley:10 config wallqueuetime:001 distancepolicy 10 15 10 10 10 gatepolicy 0 0 2 1 1 npcbuildpolicy /level:1-10 /mindistance:1 /maxdistance:15 tradepolicy /type:gold /min:10m tradepolicy /type:food /min:2d /max:10b /batch:1m tradepolicy /type:wood /min:20m /max:30m /batch:500k tradepolicy /type:stone /min:500m /max:1b /batch:1m tradepolicy /type:iron /min:20m /max:30m /batch:500k config hunting:4 huntingpos 34,614 fortification trap:1,ab:1,at:1 fortification trap:2,ab:2,at:2 fortification trap:3,ab:3,at:3 fortification trap:5,ab:5,at:5 fortification trap:10,ab:10,at:10 fortification trap:15,ab:15,at:15 fortification trap:20,ab:20,at:20 fortification trap:25,ab:25,at:25 fortification trap:100,ab:100,at:100 fortification trap:1000,ab:1000,at:1000 //fortification tre:11000 fortification trap:2000,ab:2000,at:16400 troop a:1,warr:1,wo:1,p:1,sw:1,cav:1,cata:1,ram:1,cp:1,s:1 troop a:100k,warr:50k,wo:5k,p:25k,sw:25k,cav:15k,cata:1k,b:5k,t:10k,s:20k troop a:200k,b:10k
09:22:01 (cityname) - Goals Saved 09:22:02 (cityname) - setting goals 09:22:02 (cityname) - Config: troop:1, wartown:0, trade:1, gate:0.5, hiding:0.2, npc:5, comfort:1, wallqueuetime:1, fortification:1, hunting:4, hero:1, buildnpc:20, valley:10 09:22:02 (cityname) - Goals successfully set 09:22:02 (cityname) - Requesting city focus 09:22:03 (cityname) - *** Found 003 LVL001 NPC's to farm within 15 miles *** 09:22:03 (cityname) - *** Found 001 LVL002 NPC's to farm within 15 miles *** 09:22:03 (cityname) - *** Found 002 LVL004 NPC's to farm within 15 miles *** 09:22:03 (cityname) - *** Found 066 LVL005 NPC's to farm within 15 miles *** 09:22:03 (cityname) - *** Found 001 LVL006 NPC's to farm within 15 miles *** 09:22:03 (cityname) - *** Found 001 LVL007 NPC's to farm within 15 miles *** 09:22:03 (cityname) - *** Found 003 LVL008 NPC's to farm within 15 miles *** 09:22:03 (cityname) - *** Found 006 LVL009 NPC's to farm within 15 miles *** 09:22:03 (cityname) - *** Found 038 LVL010 NPC's to farm within 15 miles *** 09:22:03 (cityname) - *** Found 001 LVL 004 NPC candidates 09:22:03 (cityname) - *** Found 092 Forests for various nefarious purposes. 09:22:03 (cityname) - *** Found 093 Deserts for various nefarious purposes. 09:22:03 (cityname) - *** Found 087 Hills for various nefarious purposes. 09:22:03 (cityname) - *** Found 099 Swamps for various nefarious purposes. 09:22:03 (cityname) - *** Found 083 Grasslands for various nefarious purposes. 09:22:03 (cityname) - *** Found 091 Lakes for various nefarious purposes. 09:22:03 (cityname) - *** Found 185 valleys for medal hunting. 09:22:03 (cityname) - *** Found 000 valleys for resource farming. 09:22:03 (cityname) - *** Found 021 Forests for acquisition. 09:22:03 (cityname) - City Startup: map initialization complete 09:22:48 (cityname) - City Receiving Focus 09:22:48 (cityname) - Package Check: 09:22:48 (cityname) - Error while working on 'Medal Hunting' task: Error #1009 null 09:23:51 (cityname) - City Receiving Focus 09:23:51 (cityname) - Package Check: 09:23:51 (cityname) - Error while working on 'Medal Hunting' task: Error #1009 null 09:24:54 (cityname) - City Receiving Focus 09:24:54 (cityname) - Package Check: 09:24:54 (cityname) - Error while working on 'Medal Hunting' task: Error #1009 null
Politics Hero not being reassigned as mayor
Post found here: http://duelingelectrons.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=8745
There's quite a few more posts saying more or less the same thing... politics hero isn't getting reassigned as mayor after the traininghero is done training troops. It either sits with traininghero as mayor, or it sits with no mayor at all.