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A convicted thief, due to be executed, promised his King that if he would only spare his life, the thief would teach the Kings favourite horse to sing.

The vain and superstitious King, who's prize Arabian Thoroughbred was the talk of the realm, was eager to show off a singing horse to his rival Monarchs. While sceptical of the thiefs claims, he felt the executioners blade could just as easily drink the thiefs blood next year as this, and after all, the world was veritably a strange and unpredictable place.

The thief was released into the custody of the Kings StableMaster, a rugged and world-worn veteran of many campaigns. He laughed heartily at the thiefs futile attempt to escape the gallows, and remarked, finally "You know I speak the truth when I say that you have merely postponed your fate, although it was skilfully done." The thief nodded, as a relieved smile spread across his face, and said slowly "Perhaps, but many things can happen in a year. The Horse may die. The King may die. I may die. And perhaps the horse will learn to sing....."

~ Aesop, I think

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