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CleanNPCReports (script) [[]]
Abandon (script) [[]]
Abandon (script) [[]]
AbandonTown (script) [[]]
CleanReports (script) [[]]
Attack (script) [[]]
CompleteQuests (script) [[]]
AttackWait (script) [[]]
UseItem (script) [[]]
AwardGold (script) [[]]
Comfort (script) [[]]
BigAttack (script) [[]]
Levy (script) [[]]
BigDeploy (script) [[]]
SetTaxRate (script) [[]]
BigScout (script) [[]]
Production (script) [[]]
BigTransport (script) [[]]
Evacuatetown (script) [[]]
Buildcity (script) [[]]
Teleport (script) [[]]
Building_Types (script) [[]]
Abandon (script) [[]]
Buy (script) [[]]
AbandonTown (script) [[]]
CancelTrade (script) [[]]
SetGate (script) [[]]
Capture (script) [[]]
Buildcity (script) [[]]
ChangeHeroName (script) [[]]
ListMedals (script) [[]]
CheckResearch (script) [[]]
ListItems (script) [[]]
CleanNPCReports (script) [[]]
ListCommands (script) [[]]
CleanReports (script) [[]]
ListBuffs (script) [[]]
ClearTroopQueues (script) [[]]
ScanMap (script) [[]]
ClearWallQueue (script) [[]]
ReScanMap (script) [[]]
Comfort (script) [[]]
FindField (script) [[]]
CompleteQuests (script) [[]]
TravelInfo (script) [[]]
Create (script) [[]]
FindHero (script) [[]]
Demo (script) [[]]
SetMayor (script) [[]]
Deploy (script) [[]]
SetMayorByName (script) [[]]
Disband (script) [[]]
PersuadeHero (script) [[]]
DumpResource (script) [[]]
FireHero (script) [[]]
DumpTroop (script) [[]]
ReleaseHero (script) [[]]
EndKeepResource (script) [[]]
GetSpamHero (script) [[]]
EndKeepTroop (script) [[]]
ChangeHeroName (script) [[]]
Evacuatetown (script) [[]]
UpLevelHero (script) [[]]
FindField (script) [[]]
UseHeroItem (script) [[]]
FindHero (script) [[]]
AwardGold (script) [[]]
FireHero (script) [[]]
RewardHeroes (script) [[]]
GetSpamHero (script) [[]]
WaitHero (script) [[]]
GuardedAttack (script) [[]]
WaitHeroLost (script) [[]]
HealTroops (script) [[]]
SetBallsUsed (script) [[]]
IdRecall (script) [[]]
Attack (script) [[]]
Levy (script) [[]]
BigAttack (script) [[]]
ListBuffs (script) [[]]
Abandon (script) [[]]
ListCommands (script) [[]]
Deploy (script) [[]]
ListItems (script) [[]]
BigDeploy (script) [[]]
ListMedals (script) [[]]
Reinforce (script) [[]]
LoyaltyAttack (script) [[]]
Scout (script) [[]]
PersuadeHero (script) [[]]
BigScout (script) [[]]
Production (script) [[]]
Transport (script) [[]]
Recall (script) [[]]
BigTransport (script) [[]]
Reinforce (script) [[]]
GuardedAttack (script) [[]]
ReleaseHero (script) [[]]
SetGuard (script) [[]]
ReScanMap (script) [[]]
LoyaltyAttack (script) [[]]
Research (script) [[]]
Capture (script) [[]]
RewardHeroes (script) [[]]
SpamAttack (script) [[]]
ScanMap (script) [[]]
Recall (script) [[]]
Scout (script) [[]]
IdRecall (script) [[]]
Sell (script) [[]]
AttackWait (script) [[]]
SetBallsUsed (script) [[]]
Train (script) [[]]
SetGate (script) [[]]
Disband (script) [[]]
SetGuard (script) [[]]
HealTroops (script) [[]]
SetMayor (script) [[]]
DumpTroop (script) [[]]
SetMayorByName (script) [[]]
ClearTroopQueues (script) [[]]
SetTaxRate (script) [[]]
WallDefense (script) [[]]
SpamAttack (script) [[]]
ClearWallQueue (script) [[]]
Teleport (script) [[]]
EndKeepTroop (script) [[]]
Train (script) [[]]
Create (script) [[]]
Transport (script) [[]]
Demo (script) [[]]
TravelInfo (script) [[]]
Upgrade (script) [[]]
Upgrade (script) [[]]
Building_Types (script) [[]]
UpLevelHero (script) [[]]
UseHeroItem (script) [[]]
CheckResearch (script) [[]]
UseItem (script) [[]]
Research (script) [[]]
WaitHero (script) [[]]
Buy (script) [[]]
WaitHeroLost (script) [[]]
Sell (script) [[]]
WallDefense (script) [[]]
CancelTrade (script) [[]]
DumpResource (script) [[]]
EndKeepResource (script) [[]]
'''BACK TO MAIN PAGE''' [[]]
'''BACK TO MAIN PAGE''' [[]]

Revision as of 08:14, 27 May 2011


Abandon (script) [[2]]

Abandon (script) [[3]]

AbandonTown (script) [[4]]

Attack (script) [[5]]

AttackWait (script) [[6]]

AwardGold (script) [[7]]

BigAttack (script) [[8]]

BigDeploy (script) [[9]]

BigScout (script) [[10]]

BigTransport (script) [[11]]

Buildcity (script) [[12]]

Building_Types (script) [[13]]

Buy (script) [[14]]

CancelTrade (script) [[15]]

Capture (script) [[16]]

ChangeHeroName (script) [[17]]

CheckResearch (script) [[18]]

CleanNPCReports (script) [[19]]

CleanReports (script) [[20]]

ClearTroopQueues (script) [[21]]

ClearWallQueue (script) [[22]]

Comfort (script) [[23]]

CompleteQuests (script) [[24]]

Create (script) [[25]]

Demo (script) [[26]]

Deploy (script) [[27]]

Disband (script) [[28]]

DumpResource (script) [[29]]

DumpTroop (script) [[30]]

EndKeepResource (script) [[31]]

EndKeepTroop (script) [[32]]

Evacuatetown (script) [[33]]

FindField (script) [[34]]

FindHero (script) [[35]]

FireHero (script) [[36]]

GetSpamHero (script) [[37]]

GuardedAttack (script) [[38]]

HealTroops (script) [[39]]

IdRecall (script) [[40]]

Levy (script) [[41]]

ListBuffs (script) [[42]]

ListCommands (script) [[43]]

ListItems (script) [[44]]

ListMedals (script) [[45]]

LoyaltyAttack (script) [[46]]

PersuadeHero (script) [[47]]

Production (script) [[48]]

Recall (script) [[49]]

Reinforce (script) [[50]]

ReleaseHero (script) [[51]]

ReScanMap (script) [[52]]

Research (script) [[53]]

RewardHeroes (script) [[54]]

ScanMap (script) [[55]]

Scout (script) [[56]]

Sell (script) [[57]]

SetBallsUsed (script) [[58]]

SetGate (script) [[59]]

SetGuard (script) [[60]]

SetMayor (script) [[61]]

SetMayorByName (script) [[62]]

SetTaxRate (script) [[63]]

SpamAttack (script) [[64]]

Teleport (script) [[65]]

Train (script) [[66]]

Transport (script) [[67]]

TravelInfo (script) [[68]]

Upgrade (script) [[69]]

UpLevelHero (script) [[70]]

UseHeroItem (script) [[71]]

UseItem (script) [[72]]

WaitHero (script) [[73]]

WaitHeroLost (script) [[74]]

WallDefense (script) [[75]]